Your Initial Visit
Our goals for your initial consultation appointment are multi-faceted. We realize that your time is valuable, so we want to make the most of each visit to minimize your total number of visits. Your visit will be more comprehensive if your husband/partner accompanies you. First, we’d like for us to get to know one another. We’ll review any prior medical records and your completed new patient forms, as we’ll as take careful medical and fertility histories from both you and your husband/partner, if applicable. This information will used to develop specific evaluation and treatment recommendations.
If you have a male partner, we’ll likely recommend that a semen analysis be performed at your initial visit. Remember, half of all infertility is attributable, at least in part, to a male factor.
A physical examination is generally performed. We routinely do vaginal cultures to look for vaginal and cervical infections. If you need a Pap smear, we’re happy to do that, too (since we’re in the neighborhood).
We usually like to perform a transvaginal ultrasound for all new patients to evaluate your uterus and ovaries and to look for any abnormalities. For some patients, a small amount of saline will be introduced in the uterine cavity to give us a better look at the inside of your uterus. Don’t worry, neither procedure is painful!
Most patients need to have blood tests to further investigate the causes of their infertility. For the majority of blood tests, your results are generally available in a few days.
Next, we’ll map out a treatment plan for you. We’ll give you information about any other tests that we recommend, give you your treatment options, discuss realistic expectations for success, and plan your next appointment(s). Of course, you’ll have plenty of time to ask questions to make sure you feel comfortable with our recommendations.